• +1 250-410-3956
  • info@alphalawcorporation.ca
  • #112 – 1890 Cooper Road, Kelowna BC V1Y 8B7
Buying or Selling a real estate property is a big step in ones life. Everyone deserves good care and attentive service in this regard. We are here to help you complete your real estate service needs.

Land, homes, construction, legal solutions for building flaws like poor infrastructure, or illegally placed fixtures, and more are all covered by Real Estate law. Alpha Law Corporation is committed to defending your rights and helping you achieve your real estate objectives. Purchasing or selling real estate is a significant effort. Markets change, resulting in quite different methods depending on whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market. The laws and practices governing real estate are constantly changing. We have extensive experience with the process and will walk you through the steps of purchasing or selling property.


Our property and conveyancing practice areas include:

  • Buying and selling of homes.
  • Private property – purchasing and selling.
  • Commercial property – purchasing and selling.
  • Mortgages of Residential/Commercial Property.
  • Refinance of Residential/Commercial Property.
  • Leasing and tenancies.


– Buying and Selling Properties
At Alpha Law Corporation, we understand that your property deal is unique and will examine any issues thoroughly, set out all your options clearly, and make the process as easy and as cost effective as possible. For further information together with our fees and charges please contact our Conveyancing Department.  

We will act on your behalf and keep you up to date on the progress. Mistakes made when you are buying and selling real estate can be costly, so it’s important that Alpha Law Corporation Lawyers represent you throughout the process, ensuring you have all the correct legal advice you need.

– For residential sales we can:

  • Prepare agreements for sale.
  • Advise you prior to signing your sale agreement.
  • Coordinating with real estate agents.
  • Communicating with Solicitor/Notary from the other side.
  • Liaise with your bank in releasing your mortgage.


– For residential purchases we can

  • Review agreements and advise you prior to signing an agreement of any legal implications
  • Conduct and Review Property, Tax, Utility and other searches as part of due diligence
  • Liaise with your bank to co-ordinate the provision of finance
  • Coordinate with real estate agents if any
  • Communicate with Solicitor/Notary from the other side
  • Complete the Title Transfer


Commercial Properties:
Commercial property transactions can be even more complex. Few transactions demand a broader range of expertise. Our team is highly proficient in business and commercial property deals, planning law, and mortgage and financing law.